Regional Pharmacy and Supply Chain Officer TANZANIA HEALTH PROMOTION SUPPORT(THPS) Tanzania
23rd September 2021


Tanzania Health Promotion Support (THPS) is an indigenous NGO established under nongovernmental organization act No 24 of 2002 in 2011. THPS works in partnership with the Ministries of Health Community Development Gender Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC) Regional Administration and Local Governments (PORALG), Ministry of Home Affairs (MoHA) and Ministry of Health in Zanzibar. THPS’ goal is to ensure accessible high-quality health care services to Tanzanians; through strengthening of health systems.

THPS, has been awarded by CDC/PEPFAR to implement the five (5) years project AFYA HATUA (Sustain Treatment, Enrolment and HIV Prevention- STEP). Through AFYA HATUA, THPS will deliver client centered, comprehensive facility and community-based HIV prevention, care, and treatment services for general, key and vulnerable populations in Pwani, Kigoma and Shinyanga regions, and contribute to the country’s epidemic control. Based on the Government of Tanzania’s (GoT) National Multisectoral Strategic Framework (NMSF) IV, Health Sector HIV Strategic Plan (HSHSP) IV, and PEPFAR COP21 priorities, AFYA HATUA will extend best practices and lessons learned from THPS’s 10+ years of implementing HIV programs in Tanzania. THPS will partner with all LGAs in the 3 regions, faith-based health facilities, and community-based, key population (KP)-led organizations to achieve the project goals.

Position Title: Regional Pharmacy and Supply Chain Officer (3 Positions)

Reports to: Supply Chain and Logistics Technical Advisor

Location: Pwani, Kigoma and Shinyanga with 50% travel


Job Summary:

This portfolio aims to ensure timely availability and accessibility of HTS and ART commodities and supplies by health facilities for quality HIV services and commodities management. S/He will work with, THPS regional facility and community-based teams to ensure uninterrupted availability of HIV and TB supplies, drugs, ARVs and commodities for HIV continuum of care in facilities and community services.


Roles and Responsibilities:

  • To provide technical assistance and mentorship to health care providers managing HIV commodities on forecasting and quantification, ordering, tracking inventory, good pharmacy practice, rational use of medicines and consumption monitoring.
  • Assess and develop commodity gaps at facility level for the purpose of advising for gap filling including redistribution across sites.
  • Work closely with zonal MSD and Logistics Management Services (LMS) in determining stock status at the national pipeline and advise regional teams accordingly
  • Perform quality analysis of pharmaceutical procured products and provide recommendations prior to delivery at facilities by ensuring the products meets quality standards and are registered by the respective regulatory
  • In collaboration with R/CHMT to conduct monthly stock monitoring for ARVs, RTK, Isoniazid for TPT and other program commodities and provide monthly stock status report to the THPS regional
  • Monitor supply chain indicators in the supported facilities for stock management, reporting trends/rates, rejection rates, lead time and stock imbalances to ensure commodity availability at supported sites.
  • To prepare and submit monthly and supply chain implementation and performance reports to THPS
  • To assess and develop capacity building needs including workshops, forums and trainings; in order to address pharmacy practices improvement, supply chain issues and commodity security for ART, PMTCT, VMMC and Community
  • To provide mentorship to health care workers on proper implementation of NACP pharmacy module database so as to improve commodity reporting and data
  • Scale up use of most recent version of Pharmacy Module Database (PMD) at all supported facilities and ensure data is being uploaded in to the CTC3 Macro-database
  • Provide mentorship support to commodity managers onsite on proper use of e-LMIS to ensure logistics data are of high quality prior to submission to MSD
  • Assess pharmacy infrastructure at facilities and recommend an improvement plan to ensure commodities are stored according to the manufacturer requirements to maintain the quality and potency.
  • Monitor Logistics Management Information System (LMIS) tools availability of at facility level and provide technical assistance, and mentorship to health care providers focusing proper documentation, stock assessment to avoid/minimize stock-outs and ability to track expiry dates through FEFO for all program commodities – ARVs, Lab, VMMC, PMTCT, TB
  • Provide technical assistance in the development of guidelines, SOPs and manuals for strengthening logistics management systems and pharmacy practices at facility and community
  • Collaborate with R/CHMT to facilitate the tracking of adverse drug reactions including those related with COVID 19 vaccinations to ensure drug safety to patients
  • Work closely with regional/district pharmacists and regional/district laboratory technologists to implement targeted focused supply chain and logistics mentorship.


Qualifications, Experience & Skills required:

  • Bachelor of Pharmacy degree with at least 2 years of experience in implementing donor funded HIV/AIDS programs
  • Must have knowledge and skills on using Pharmacy Module Database and e-LMIS
  • Good understanding of national pipeline for HIV commodities, ARVs and supplies and experienced in working with R/CHMTs
  • Ability to use logistics data to facilitate redistribution within facilities
  • Experience using computer applications including word processing, spreadsheets, power point and pharmacy information systems required

How to apply:

Interested applicants should send an email attaching their application cover letter one page maximum and CV four pages maximum by September 23rd 2021 with a position title as a subject line, for example: “Community Service Technical Advisor’’.

Only short-listed applicants will be contacted. Please do not attach any certificates when submitting online.


THPS is an equal opportunity employer; women, people living with HIV/AIDS and people living with disability are encouraged to apply.


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